

How to Start Healthy Eating: A Step-by-Step Guide

Healthy eating is a journey, not a destination. You can't just decide to start healthy eating and expect it to happen overnight. It takes time and dedication, but once you've gotten started, it's easier than ever to keep going.

Start by Understanding the Basics of Healthy Eating

Understanding the basic nutrition principles can help you make healthier food choices. The nutrients your body needs to stay healthy come from four main foods: fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and proteins. Eating those foods in the right proportions will give you the energy you need to stay active and help you maintain a healthy weight. To make sure that you get all the nutrients your body needs, try to eat a variety of foods from each of these categories every day.

Here are my five steps for starting your own healthy eating plan:

Step 1, set a goal

Understanding the basic nutrition principles can help you make healthier food choices. The nutrients your body needs to stay healthy come from four main foods: fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and proteins. Eating those foods in the right proportions will give you the energy you need to stay active and help you maintain a healthy weight. To make sure that you get all the nutrients your body needs, try to eat a variety of foods from each of these categories every day.

Start with a goal for the first week.

  • Next, set a goal for the second week and continue this way until you reach your end date.
  • For example, if you want to lose 20 pounds by the end of January 2023 (and we all know how much time that takes), then:
  • Set a target weight loss goal of 20 pounds by January 1st 2023 at 11:00pm EST (or whatever time zone works best for you).
  • At 11:00pm EST on January 1st 2023, stop eating carbs completely until after midnight when they are no longer restricted by law.* You'll still be allowed some fruits and veggies but don't worry about those too much because they won't make up much difference anyway!

Step 2, write down the steps you'll take                         

The second step is to write down your goals.

What will you eat? What times of day, and how often? How many calories will you consume each day? How much exercise (and what kind) will you do each week? Where are the resources available for getting healthy foods and activities in your community or city, like farmers' markets or yoga classes that fit into your schedule well-enough that they don't feel like work at all!

Step 3, make a shopping list

  • Make a shopping list.
  • Make sure it's easy to read and follow, so you can find what you need quickly.
  • Remember, if your shopping list is too long or complicated, then you'll probably spend more time looking for items than actually cooking delicious meals.
  • Look for nutrient-rich foods when grocery shopping and make sure to include a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, plant-based fats and whole grains in your diet. Eating a healthy mix of these items will ensure that you have adequate energy levels, stay fuller longer and supply your body with vitamins and minerals it needs. Plus they can help protect against chronic disease.

Step 4, start slowly and learn to enjoy the process

To start healthy eating you should start slowly and learn to enjoy the process. If you're afraid of making big changes, don't worry about it! It's normal for people who aren't used to eating healthy foods or exercising regularly (like me) because it can take time for your body and mind to adjust.

The first few weeks will be hard: You might feel like putting on weight as you get used to eating more fruits and vegetables, but don't let this discourage you--it's okay if it happens! Eventually, these small changes add up over time into something much bigger than if all at once or nothing at all. Remember: Don't try so hard that failure becomes inevitable; instead think about what successes have been achieved along the way so far and how much better off we would all be without those failures holding us back from reaching our goals sooner rather than later.

Step 5, find new recipes to try out

Now that you have your list of things to eat, it's time to start cooking!

Meal prepping is a great strategy to save time, save money and stay on track with your diet. Start by planning out the week's meals in advance and shop for groceries accordingly. Then set time aside each week to prep food, like washing and chopping fruit, vegetables, lean proteins and whole grains for easy meal assembly later in the week. This can ultimately help you prepare nutrient-rich meals quickly that nourish your body without taking up too much time or effort.

It's a good idea to find recipes that are healthy and easy for you. If a recipe calls for something like olive oil and garlic, but your kitchen doesn't have any olive oil in it, then it may not be so helpful. That could lead to some extra work down the road if you need more olive oil later on (or maybe even just once in awhile). But if there's something else like coconut oil or coconut milk in the house already--and they're both good fats--then this is an easy fix.

Make Smart Decisions When Dining Out 

Eating out can be a nice treat, however it can be challenging to find healthier options. Look for nutrient-rich menu items such as salads, grilled proteins and vegetables. Avoid fried foods, creamy dressings and other saturated fats that can quickly add up. When opting for takeaway food, check the nutrition information on the menu to see if available and aim for lighter meals with less fat, sugar and salt.


Hopefully, we’ve given you a good idea of how to start healthy eating and what it will look like on the journey. We know that this can be daunting, but remember: we’re here to help! If you have any questions or concerns, let us know and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

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