

How to get the first order on Fiverr

One-word answer: Keywords. Use good keywords in your gigs, profile, and gig image names. Fiverr is a great way to get started in the freelancing world, but it's not right for everyone. I have vast experience on Fiverr as I have had two level-2 accounts and have helped many friends to earn thousands of dollars using Fiverr. If you're looking for your first job and don't have much experience or confidence in your work, then Fiverr might be a good choice. But if you want something more stable and reliable than what Fiverr offers -- such as an hourly rate or regular paychecks -- then there are better alternatives out there like Upwork.

Know your audience

  • Knowing your audience is important. Use words or keywords that your audience or clients will search for. Think about what would you search for if you needed the same service that you are offering and use those keywords in your gig.
  • Knowing your audience means knowing what they want, need, and can afford.
  • You need to know how much money you are willing to spend on each order in order for them to be profitable for you and for them.

Know what you're good at and what you don't do well

  •        Know what you're good at and what you do well.
  •        Know what you're not good at in different areas.

Make sure your gigs are high-quality

  •  Make sure your gigs are high-quality. Use the right keywords in your gigs and gig images to have good SEO for your gigs.
  •   Make sure your listing reflects the quality of your work and the business being advertised.
  •  Don't make it too long, or short.
  •    Don't make it vague, either (if you're not sure what I mean by this, think back to high school English class: "The book was a great read" vs "I loved the book").

Don't rush to publish your first gig! 

  •   Don't rush! Take your time to create a good gig with a clear call to action. Three good quality gigs are better than seven sub-standard gigs.
  •  The most important part of this step is having the right wording on your gig so that people know exactly what they need to do in order for them to purchase from you (and not from other sellers).
  • Make sure you have a clear pricing plan and payment method. Before sending out any services, make sure that both of these details are laid out clearly so no one has any questions or confusion about how much money they're spending/how much time they'll be spending working on each project.
  • Create long-term goals for yourself as well as for each individual product/service being offered through Fiverr--this way there won't ever be any confusion about whether or not everyone involved wants success in their respective fields!

Have a clear pricing plan

The best way to get your first order is to have a clear pricing plan. Use all three options to need to be able to clearly explain what you will charge for each job and how long it will take you to complete the work. This means making sure that all customers understand what they are getting when they can expect their payment and how long it will take before they receive their money back in full (if applicable).

It's also important that you don't make any promises about how much money you'll make off of one project or another--this only leads people away from working with you because they expect more than what they're actually paying for!

Choose the payment method (such as PayPal)

Once you've chosen your product, it's time to choose the payment method that works best for you. There are many different options available, including PayPal and credit cards. You can also get money directly in your bank account through Payoneer.

PayPal is an easy-to-use platform with a good reputation among customers who have used it before. It's also relatively inexpensive compared to other methods of payment like bank transfers or direct debit payments (which require banks to verify your identity). However, PayPal does charge fees for its services--so if this matters to you then it may not be the best option for getting paid quickly!

Seek out positive reviews and ratings

Encourage clients to leave positive reviews and ratings after working with you. This can help you build your reputation and attract new clients. But never ask for clear positive feedback, this can be a reason that |Fiverr bans your account. Just ask them to leave their thoughts if they like it. 

Think about long-term goals 

When you're starting out and building an audience, it's important to think about long-term goals and how this first job will help you achieve them down the road. Think about what kind of work do you want? Do you want to be a full-time freelancer who gets paid hourly or by the project, or do you want to start taking on more clients for larger projects? 

Fiverr is a great place to get started, but it's not right for everyone. If you're looking for a full-time gig that pays well and has flexible hours, then Fiverr may not be the best option. You can set your price points and accept or reject gigs based on how much traffic they bring in (or don't bring in). It's also important to remember that just because your first order was successful doesn't mean future orders will be successful! Remember:

  •  Don't accept gigs if they aren't profitable - this goes back to learning how much traffic each project brings in before deciding whether or not it makes sense financially
  •  Make sure what you're offering is something unique - this means having an original idea and sharing it with others

Fiverr is a great place to start your journey as an entrepreneur. It gives you access to the tools and resources you need to be successful, but it's important not to get so caught up in the hype that you forget why this business is so valuable for some people—it's about having control over your own destiny. So don't let anyone tell you how easy Fiverr is; success depends on making smart decisions with careful consideration of all possible outcomes before taking any action or committing yourself fully to something new! 

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